DS-K1T804MF LCD Ekranlı Standalone Geçiş Kontrol Terminali
DS-K1T804MF LCD Ekranlı Standalone Geçiş Kontrol Terminali

DS-K1T804MF Fingerprint Access Control Terminal (GKGAKDSK1T804MF)

Discount Rate : %53 Discount
Vat included : $306.00
Discounted : $120.00  + VAT
Vat included : $144.00
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DS-K1T804MF Fingerprint Access Control Terminal


Artır Azalt

DS-K1T804MF Fingerprint Access Control Terminal

• Person information structure: based on employee ID
• Supports 6 attendance status, including check in, check out, break in, break out, overtime in, overtime out
• Supports multiple languages: English, Vietnamese, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, Arabic, and Thai
• Accesses to public network via EHome 4.0 or 5.0 protocol, and sets EHome parameters on the client or device
• Integrated management of access control and the attendance
• 2.4-inch LCD screen to display the time, the date and swiping/fingerprint authentication results
• Remotely registers fingerprints from the terminal to software
• Max. 3000 users, Max. 3000 fingerprints and Max. 100,000 event records
• Two attendance authentication modes: authentication by person, authentication by device
• Stand-alone operation: locally add person, card and fingerprint information
• Exports the swiping card data and the attendance report to the USB flash drive
• Up to 32 normal shifts and up to 32 man-hour shifts can be configured
• Up to 32 attendance holiday schedules and up to 128 access control holiday schedules can be configured
• Generates the attendance report automatically and view the attendance data easily
• The third party bell access
• Tamper alarm and duress alarm function

• Connects the external secure door control unit via RS-485 to avoid the door opening when the terminal is destroyed
• Supports the third party alarm input

cultureSettings.RegionId: 0 cultureSettings.LanguageCode: EN